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After a decade of starting and running my own business and countless hours analyzing customers, digging into marketing analytics, and graduating from Excel to SQL, I felt it was time to start putting thoughts on paper to document my experience. Hopefully you find some use in them!

Running a Business

Why I Show Up

Article Road Map

  • Dealing with Anxiety in Business Leadership
  • Retention, the hidden rocketship in LTV
  • Using Common Size data to benchmark
  • 10 Things I learned building an app
  • Pros and Cons for starting a business in a small town
  • Rose Colored Glasses


Research is Important

Article Road Map

  • Handshake Value: An ROI measure for content marketing in B2B
  • Evaluating Sales Lift
  • How to calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • MarTech Stack
  • Content Marketing is more than a Blog Post
  • Attribution Models
  • The basics of predictive equations

My Randomness

  • Personal Discography by Year
  • My Favorite Books